Tag: wellness

Whether you’ve heard about it in passing, at the gym, or have seen it hashtagged on a fitness enthusiast’s Instagram, you’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet—but what exactly is it? The paleolithic di
During the wintertime, supplementing with vitamin D is more important than ever. This multitasking vitamin benefits your overall health, including your bones, immune system, heart, lungs, muscles, and
Quercetin isn’t a health supplement that’s widely known, and it can even be tricky to say properly (hot tip: it’s pronounced like kwur-seh-tin). For those being newly introduced, it’s the hot new supp
Is echinacea on your shopping list? It should be. With virus prevention at the top of many minds, it’s key to remember that the best form of prevention is a strong immune system. Echinacea has shown g
Renowned for its antioxidant content, green tea continues to gain popularity in North America. Imbibe green tea’s latest research; its newest trend, matcha; and optimal brewing methods; and learn abou
One daily habit that can have an overwhelming impact on your detoxification (for better or worse!) is your diet. You can strain your detoxification by ingesting food additives, pesticides, and other c
Who doesn’t love the flavors and aromas that turmeric imbues our lives with? But we can also thank this delicious spice for some powerful therapeutic properties. Find out what this yellow jewel can do
For our children and ourselves, natural health retailers offer a wealth of products, resources, education, and encouragement. Learn how natural health retailers are educating a new generation. We typi
Honey is a truly versatile treat. Find out just how far its golden touch extends in the areas of health and beauty. Also, explore the world of honey varieties, organic honey, and bee-derived supplemen
For many people, lowering their blood pressure is a key step to heart health. Small changes in the foods you eat can yield big results. Increase your intake of cold-water fish containing heart-healthy

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