Tag: health

Do you know what to look for (and avoid) in sunscreens? This natural sun protection primer reveals which ingredients can keep you safe and healthy. The word’s definitely out about the importance of na
Follow a naturopathic doctor at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre, as she takes you through her approach to patient care and research. Learn about naturopathic oncology through the eyes of a clinic
Does your busy lifestyle sometimes throw unexpected challenges your way—a restaurant menu sure to cause you digestive grief, a stressful business meeting, or a tickle in your throat forecasting an imp
Talking about pelvic health can feel uncomfortable. But without safe and honest conversations about our health “down there,” many suffer in silence. Learn about pelvic physiotherapy and how it treats
alive recently had the honour of speaking with Dr. Peter Fisher, FRCP, Integrative Medicine, a world-renowned physician and homeopath whose resume runs long and includes some very noteworthy positions
Microscopic fungi are key members of your intestinal microbiome. Although many of these fungal species are transient, certain ones may play a key role in health and may one day be used with therapeuti
Dark chocolate isn\'t just for Valentine\'s Day. The benefits of this deep dark treat include a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, reduced stress, and even improved memory. So you won\'t forget to eat
Vegan dietary choices offer many health benefits, including cardiovascular disease prevention and asthma support. Although plant-based diets are rich in antioxidants, fibre, trace minerals, and vitami
Winter is here—so it’s time to hibernate until spring, right? Here’s why that mentality might not be great for your body and mind.This just in: sunshine makes life better. Although it might sound obvi
We asked writer, lecturer, and doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Melissa Carr what’s on her trend-watching list. What are the new research frontiers she’s reading up on? The dietary trends worth

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Beauty is all around us. Channelling or harnessing it to be our best selves can be incredibly fun, and it can bring thought-provoking challenges as well. It’s not just about finding the perfect summer

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